A Complete Guidance about Plantation Process of sagwan plants:-

The sagwan tree plantation is a rapidly rising trade in most of the countries of the world specially in Asian countries as well as in india .It’s a great resource of providing the wood for timber.

It’s also a good rising carrier option.

The sagwan is a huge tree of good quality of wood. There is a good demand of this wood in national as well as international markets.

For the best result the suitable process of plantation plays very important role.

Get all kinds of Wholesale Hybrid Sagwan Plants and In allover India we deals in other hybrid and tissue culture plants also of Both commercial plants. call us: 9453278562,9792413555 Or Email us at

Soil preparation:-

Teak (sagwan) trees grow best in well-drained alluvial soil-

  • Land should be plain or gently sloping with excellent drainage.
  • Dig a pit of size 45cm X 45cm X 45cm. After replacing pit soil by good soil we mix required manures in soil and refill it into the pit. 
  • Mix 100 g of fertilizer in pit at the time of planting. The dose of the fertilizer depends upon the fertility status of soil.
  • It’s the best for plantation that we plant after first shower.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमें अभी कॉल करें

Climate and Light availability :-

 It’s highly recommended that for the best growth of sagwan plants the   amount of sun light must be good i.e. high intensity. The sagwan trees grow well under warm and humid conditions. The optimum temperature for growth and development of the plants is 27-36⁰C.

Water Requirement:-

For better result the required average annual rainfall is 600mm. If the water is saline that is also not good for the plantation of sagwan. The sagwan trees grow well under warm and humid conditions. The optimum temperature for growth and development of the plants is 27-36⁰C.

Care about diseases:-

 Teak defoliator and skeletoniser (Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis) cause broad harm to youthful ranches. Root decay because of Polyporous zonalis is additionally normal in estate. Pink malady organism causes blisters and bark chipping. Fine mold brought about by Olivea tectonae and Uncinula tectonae prompts untimely defoliation.

Teak Clone Plants

Teak Clone Plants may be a standout amongst those The majority esteemed timbers of the planet. Its timber qualities incorporate allure in shade Also grain, durability, lightness, quality and simplicity of working and carving, imperviousness will termite and parasite What’s more weathering.

क्यों लाभदायक है टिशू कल्चर टीक क्लोन प्लांट्स?

  • पौधों को द्वितीयक ताक़त के साथ विश्व स्तरीय मोथबॉल संयंत्र (वृक्ष के अलावा क्लोनल) के साथ शुरू किया ग
  • आनुवंशिक रूप से समान पौधों।
  • मालदीव स्पेयर रोपण सामग्री।
  • समान विकास और सुधार। कैमवुड को एक ही समय में इकट्ठा करने का मौका मिलता है।
  • लाभकारी कैलिबर की लकड़ी।

Specification:. Quite a while.Development Parameters.Those Growth correlation from claiming Teak Clone Plants raised by tissue society Also accepted Methods:.
Development act & yield. Soil : constantly on sorts from claiming soil without water logging may be suitableness to growing teakettle.
Atmosphere : the ideal extent about temperature may be 280 c’s to 300 c. Dry climate following rainstorm.
Mixture : neighborhood.
Season of Planting : Preferable over july should september. However, camwood make planted anytime but high Also low temperature. Dividing : the planting separation for monoculture framework will be 3m x 3m, white portage intercropping, it may be 3m x 6m.
Times with blooming : 90 days on 110 days. Collecting : tissue society raised plants which, have the capacity on be reaped snappier (15 will 20 years) for those adequate wood nature In national Also universal business sectors.
Yield : at the best we might hope An tree to process An greatest about 238 cubic meter from claiming timber from 350 trees Previously, 15 A long time under best states from claiming escalated consideration oversaw economy.